Friday, June 24, 2011

What is A Hacker

What is A Hacker

A hacker is known to build things, solve problems and not break or crack any system. The computer industry initially hired good programmers to make sure how to full proof their system. However, over the years, the media, journalism and writers have played a very important role in changing the real meaning of the word hacker. They themselves are very confused in the term Hacker and a Cracker. A typical definition of a Hacker, that today comes to you mind is that a Hacker, is a person who tries to gain unauthorized access to any property and computers. The term Hacker came as slang from the computer world. So, different people have given different definitions to it. But what remains the common point is, that whenever you hear the word hacker, the first think that comes to your mind is always negative and bad. However, the real meaning of a hacker is a programmer who really finds it thrilling to learn more about it, who likes to explore more details about the programming language and hence stretches his or her capabilities more than any average person.
Crackers are people who get cheap thrill out of cracking computer codes, and breaking into systems. Hence, these are the people who have negativity around them and they only believe in breaking or cracking an access to any kind of system that they have no authorization to. They are malicious annoying people who try to uncover sensitive information by poking their unwanted nose everywhere. Hackers on the other hand are knowledgeable and responsible people. They like to take intellectual challenges and like to overcome all limitations that are there in a particular system. Learning to hack is not very easy. It is a special gift that is only given to a selected few. Only people who are good in searching and keeping themselves updated about the latest technology are the one who are blessed with it. Only being good with computers does not qualify one to be a good hacker. Some people also reapply their hacking knowledge to different fields like music and electronic. It is also said the every hacker is independent of any kind of hack he does, call it in the computer field or elsewhere. Hackers are known to be ethical, wise in their practice.
The realty is: 'Hackers build things, crackers break them.'
Today the hacker world has been given 3 different names. The White hat hackers, who do all the good things and are positively motivated people, Then we have the Black hat hackers also called the crackers who are usually into negative work of cracking and breaking into someone's system and finally the third and the last are the grey hat hackers who explore the best of both the worlds. To conclude, we can say that Hackers are people who are skilled programmers that work for a positive cause or a goal, either for themselves or for an organization which could be private as in an industry or for the government.

Thinking of A Hacker

The thinking of a hacker is very much the same as that of a good program developer. Hackers who have been successful have developed a common strategy over a period of time. This strategy is to very patiently and carefully document every step, which is what the programmers do. They are good at analyzing and following a methodical approach of investigation. So when they start they don't have much as in the background, they start from the starch and gradually build what is called the entire roadmap or game plan.
It is a known fact that in order to think like a master hacker one should imitated all the big hackers both intellectually and emotionally. As they always work on a different platform and it is the platform of Self Belief.
1. The typical thinking of a Hacker is that, they believe that the world is full of ongoing problems which continuously need solutions to it. So looking for solutions should be the ultimate aim and not giving up till the time the problem is cracked.
2. Another fundamental that they work on is that, the same wheel should not be invented twice as it will be a waste of time and effort both. Brains with creativity should be used for new proposes and not older ones. So, they believe in the theory that time is precious and make the best out of it.
3. The third fundamental truth that they believe in is that, repetition is what leads to success and no word like boredom can be found in their dictionary.
4. The next good thing they believe in is Freedom. Most of the hackers work independently and that is a strong foundation for them to grow. It is said that freedom has no limit to the growth of an individual.
5. No replacement for a good attitude. An attitude to fight and not flight. One can give up whenever he or she wants. It is only the attitude that makes you different from the other.
6. Hackers believe in a value system that is not negotiable and do not compromise on it, because if they do then they would be crackers and not hackers.
Documentation is said to be the wisest thing that any developer a simple programmer or a hacker maintains. At times finding solutions is so difficult that is only the documentation that can help one understand the entire process all over again. It is like hunting for a treasure hunt in a jungle with small clues that take you to the next clue and one step closer to the final gift.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

LulzSec wins hacking competition, refuses $10k award

The target was Black & Berg Cybersecurity Consulting, a cybersecurity consulting firm that caters to US small businesses and local governments.
But Black & Berg Cybersecurity Consulting really was asking for it. The company hosted a “Cybersecurity For The 21st Century, Hacking Challenge,” for which contestants were asked to change the homepage picture of the company's website.
The reward is $10,000 and a job at the company working with Senior Cybersecurity Advisor Joe Black.
Winner LulzSec, however, declined the money (and presumably the job offer).
“DONE, THAT WAS EASY. KEEP YOUR MONEY WE DO IT FOR THE LULZ,” wrote LulzSec on the defaced website

While LulzSec does have a history of hacking for “lulz,” it also claimed to be operating under a tight budget. It also previously solicited donations (and claimed to have received over $7,000 in BitCoin) from the online community. Nevertheless, the $10,000 reward was turned down this time for whatever reason.
Joe Black of Black & Berg Cybersecurity Consulting had this to say about LulzSec via Twitter: “Black & Berg Cybersecurity Consulting appreciate all the hard work that you're putting in. Your Hacking = Clients for us. Thx.”
In an emailed statement to IBTimes, Black said: “What can I say? We're good, they're better.”
When asked what method LulzSec used to hack his company, he said: “I'm going to go with reconnaissance, scanning, gain access, maintain access, and cover tracks.”
LulzSec first gained infamy for hacking PBS and posting a bogus story of Tupac being alive. Its next big target was Sony, which it hacked, took information from, and then published that information online. LulzSec claims to have “owned” Sony with “a very simple SQL injection, one of the most primitive and common vulnerabilities.”

Monday, June 6, 2011

National Informatics Centre (NIC INDIA) got hacked by Anonymous !

National Informatics Centre (NIC INDIA) got hacked by Anonymous (India). Purpose of this defacement is just to awake the Govt of India . Anonymous now start Operation India against corruption. Anonymous are world famous activist and always fight against Injustice.

Defaced Site :

Just today Morning the Anonymous Core team announce the about operation India on there official Twitter :

All Indians and Anonymous are Invited to Join the Revolution against Corruption in India at :

When corruption, destruction and mayhem strikes from governments or corporations it is the goal of anonymous to awaken that entity and the public that a change must occur.As price pritchet once said, "change always comes bearing gifts."Anonymous is the gift we have been waiting for. Honest and trustworthy persons working hard on our behalf for the betterment of mankind.

Lulzsec Leaks Source Code of Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Network !

Lulzsec Leaks Source Code of Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Network !
Just Now ! BOOM ... By Lulzsec . They again hit SONY by releasing the complete source code of Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Network "" Via there Twitter account. They provide a Mediafire file sharing link for download a 55.28 MB file : download